
Tristan Beiter is a queer speculative poet, speculative fiction nerd, and writer who is originally from central Pennsylvania. He holds a BA in English Literature and Gender and Sexuality Studies from Swarthmore College, where he graduated with High Honors as well as an MA in the Humanities from the University of Chicago, where he focused in Poetry and Poetics. Currently, he is pursing a PhD in English at the University at Buffalo as a participant in the UB Poetics Program. His poetry and criticism have appeared in a variety of venues, including Strange Horizons, Liminality, Abyss & Apex, and Fantasy Magazine. His poem “Mother of Cacti” was a 2019 Pushcart Prize nominee. His poem “Spell 17” was a 2022 Rhysling Award finalist in the Long Poem category.

In his free time, he does needlecrafts, cooks, and shouts about literary theory to his ever-patient boyfriend. You can find him on Twitter at @TristanBeiter.