

“To Asteroid Miner, in the Lobby of Central Spaceport, RasalasRadon Journal, Issue 7, 15 May 2024


At the Filling Station at Palmyratrilobite, Issue: “flicker into this pumpkin on a wet halloween, jack,” Fall 2023

Via Dolorosatrilobite, Issue: “flicker into this pumpkin on a wet halloween, jack,” Fall 2023

“Drowned Phoenix: Fragments of a Ritual Doctrine Found on Potsherds Dredged from the Silt of the Susquehannatrilobite, Issue: “flicker into this pumpkin on a wet halloween, jack,” Fall 2023


The Birds Singing in the RocksStrange Horizons, 31 October 2022

“On Halloween when Witches Walk” Abyss & Apex, 4th Quarter 2022, 1 October 2022


Fountain Found in an Abandoned GardenAbyss & Apex, 4th Quarter, 2021, 1 October 2021

The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder” Liminality, Summer 2021, 21 June 2021

Spell 17Mirror Dance, Spring 2021, July 2021

“Covered Bridge Over Deer River” Opening Vistas: A Festschrift in Honor of Natalie F. Anderson, edited by Betsy Bolton and Donna Carpenter McKeever, Published by the Swarthmore College Department of English Literature

The Knitting BowlFantasy Magazine, April 2021


My Phytophagus LoveTwisted Moon, 6 August 2020

The Wood Became BirdsAbyss & Apex, 2nd Quarter, 2020, 1 April 2020

Inscription on a Ruined PlinthLiminality Spring 2020, 23 March 2020

Returning to Dead PlacesAbyss & Apex 1st Quarter, 2020, 1 January 2020

Aubade: King Under the MountainGlitterShip Episode 74 (airdate 17 June 2019,) Autumn 2018 Issue

“Tunguska” New Voices: Philadelphia’s Emerging Poets, Moonstone Press, May 2019

Mother of CactiAbyss & Apex 2nd Quarter, 2019, 1 April 2019

North: A RagnarokEternal Haunted Summer, Winter Solstice 2018, December 21 2018

“Bedlam Swing” Laurel Moon Fall 2018 Issue

Dionysus In LondonGlitterShip Episode 57 (airdate 4 July 2018), Autumn 2017/Winter 2018 Issue